Plant medicines, as an embodiment of universal intelligence, are a tool for accessing deeper aspects of our mind, body, and spirit in the healing process. If you are interested in ongoing work with plant medicine, purifying the body, and integrating journeys, this work is for you! Justine uses a combination of plant medicines for you to reach your highest potential and healing. 

Introductory Package: $200/month includes daily microdoses and one consultation/healing session. Additional sessions are discounted to $72 for ongoing clients and Justine works with you directly to plan for deeper journeys, wilderness integration and therapy, and/or cleanses.

Schedule a 30-minute FREE pre-consultation to see if this is right for you.


Text: 412-508-2321

Tarot Card readings

Are you at a significant turning point in your life, seeking guidance on a particular situation or relationship, or have a specific question or goal that you are working towards?

3 card readings, $45, typically about 30 minutes, can offer situational guidance on the best path forward. Examples of a 3 card reading are: your desire in the relationship or situation, the obstacle, and your strength to overcome. A more general 3 card reading could be past patterns that you can let go of, gifts to cultivate, and new energies that you are bringing in to your life.

12 card readings, $136 can provide more insight on a specific question or circumstance and are also great overviews such as a 12 card birthday reading! Justine uses the Gentle Tarot deck and offers additional insights from your higher-self communication.  

Book by contacting Justine at 412-508-2321 or


Private healing sessions are a personalized experience based
on the client’s needs, situation, or energy. Guidance is received via energetic
attunement with the client’s field and the work is done in alignment with the
client’s highest purpose, potential, and mission here on this planet.

Prior to each session, Justine attunes to your energy field to “read” the various layers of your being and receive guidance specific to your needs, goals, and heart’s desires. Each session includes guided meditation, to guide your process of healing. You are invited to tune into and turn on your inner senses and be an active participant in the healing process, and receive direct guidance from your higher self and guides.

Justine is very attuned to children through her work as an educator and school designer. If you are wanting healing for your child, she will work with you to provide healing sessions for children!

Cost and Contact

Healing Sessions $111

Book by contacting Justine at 412-508-2321 or

Sessions tend to last around 60-90 minutes and culminate in a card reading for takeaways. Sessions can either be remote or in person! Justine can also work asynchronously if you are wanting energetic support during an important event or experience.


Planetary meditations

Justine has a daily meditation practice to work on the planet and humanity as a whole. Add your name to her meditations and receive the gift of unconditional love and grounded connection to the world. Simply send Justine a text (412-508-2321) with your full name and one short statement. If you are comfortable, send a photo as well so she can visualize you as she meditates!